Quality is the first priority. Valued customers will get exactly quality they need with Nam Kim Steel Vietnam for long-term business basics.
Fast delivery is the second priority. With our good management system, importers will get very quick delivery as Nam Kim Steel Vietnam can finish the production within 30 days or even earlier than that.
Competitive price. We dedicate our business with the focus to serve more and more customers rather than to focus on the profit as we know that scale is much more important than price. In this way, we always welcome big orders from importers and they’re also welcome to get our best offer accordingly.
No Anti-dumping risk when importing coated steel coil from Nam Kim Steel Vietnam. At the moment USA, Mexico, EU, Russia, Australia… close the door to Chinese and Indian Mills by imposing extremely high rate of Anti-dumping. Hence, importing coated steel coil from Nam Kim Steel Vietnam is considered as one of the best solution for importers at present.
Seasoned experience in coated steel coil export. Nam Kim Steel Vietnam has experienced exporting to many countries over the world, such as: USA, EU, South Africa, Australia, Russia, Middle East, ASEAN… and meet the high request of quality with such countries, especially USA, EU, Australia, South Africa. Thus, customers can get the steel materials with exactly quality they need from Nam Kim Steel.
Low Import Duty: Vietnam has joined and signed many international agreements that removes the import duty with Vietnamese products including steel coils, such as: Vietnam – EU Free Trade Agreement, ASEAN, TPP, Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan
If you want to import GOOD QUALITY Steel Coils from Vietnam, please contact us at: